Sunday, April 25, 2010

"cite korea"

cite nh la wat aku x tdo mlm..haha

haa..since smnggu dua nh aku duk layan cite korea, aku nk cite la pasal cite korea and limited kepada drama je la sbb movie korea da lme aku x tgk. Tapi movie ke drama ke mmg terbaik la kalo dari korea nh kan. 1st drama korea yang aku tgk fullhouse. Lepas pada fullhouse tu mmg bederet2 arr yg aku dh tengok, nak cite sume pun sumpah aku dah lupe so cite secara general dah la kan,lagi pun aku cite utk diri sendiri baca bkn utk org lain pun,tapi aku tgk td ade follower siot..hahaha malu la,asal korang baca blog aku?hahaha ok2 cite korea xde kne mngena ngan korang. Dalam cite korea nh mmg standard psl cinta hati perasaan bagai la kn,sbb tu la pompuan ske tgk,aku tgk gak sbb..err...dh org suh aku tgk aku tgk je la bkn sbb ati aku cm pompuan okey :P cite die mostly pasal hero n heroin nh tangkap cintan satu sme laen tp xleh nk bsame. Ade je la masalah dorang, bapak x kasi la mak x la kasi anjing x kasi la jage ati family sume la kn, tapi frankly speaking yang membuatkn aku x tdo mlm tgk cite2 cmni ble dorg duk pendam perasaan. Asal cite korea je sume cmtu,sume stok keadaan ditelan mati mak diluah mati bapak, kalo bagi kat aku,aku kulum je..hahaha walopon simple je bnde tu kn,tp dorg mesti bg complicated lak. Lepas tu mesti ade gak watak plakon pembantu nh yg duk gile kt hero or heroin. Dorg nh la kadang2 duk jd duri lam daging duk cucuk2 hero ngan heroin. Kadang2 nk mlompat gak aku rasa dpn laptop nh,nk je aku hentak kpala sekor2. Haiishhh...geram btol la. tapi apa leh watkn dorg nh pon ade ati n prasaan gak. tak salah pn korg nk syok kt hero n heroin tu kn, tp agak2 la, nh aku nk pesan kt watak2 pembantu nh, x semestinya korg kne dapat ape yg korang nk kn so back off!!marah lak kn. Xde la aku ksian kt hero ngan heroin nh,tambah2 heroin la kn sbb dorg kn sume cun!kalo x cun pun mesti comey..hahaha

"kalo tuan aku kapel gak ngan awek tu mmg aku tembak dedua ekor"

satu lagi lam cite korea nh, ko tgk la cite pe pun mesti ade shot ngah bawak kete,nnt dorg mek gamba tu dr depan kete pastu kete tu kona p kanan la kiri la,biasenye terjadi lam keadaan tegang or cemas or certain2 watak lam cite tu sedih,kire cm dorg bwk kete lam keadaan frust la,aku paling xleh blah ble smpai scene2 cmtu. Apehal la kn nk belok2 g kanan la kiri la tibe2,aku tatau pe lam pale otak director2 kat sana or kalo nk pikir positip,mngkin lembaga penapisan drama kt sne suh mskkn kut scene2 mcm nh lam sume drama korea,kalo xde gmba kete dr depan pastu belok kiri ke kanan ke mmg xleh tayang drama tu. Mengarut kn?hahaha
"nk belok kiri ke kana nh director?"

mcm biase la atas tu sume mukhadimah je, bnde aku nk cite sbenarnye pasal mcm mne drama2 korea nh leh bg effect kt idup aku. haa cite die start mse umo aku 21 taun, xde la lme pn taun lpas je..hahaha mse aku mula2 nk rapat ngan "die", da lme dh ktorg knal tp taun lpas bru nk knal ngan lebih dekat,,cewah ayat..hahaha tapi time tu mne de nk luah2 prasaan kn,sume stok men pendam je,ala cm cite korea tu,tp masing2 cm phm2 sendiri la kn. Then kalo ade mslh msti la mcm berat nk ckp je,ye la men relation yg jnis phm2 sendiri nh kn xkn nk ckp cm kapel biase je mesti la rs pelik. So aku gne la drama korea nh as a solution, meh aku translate kt korg supaya korg snang phm
aku:have u ever watch any korean drama?
die: yeah of them so much
aku:u do notice how the hero n heroin feels about each other and cannot express their feeling towards each other because of this n that
die:yeah i know
aku:i mean,what the hell was that. If they really each other i think other things wouldnt be matter. if they put their love 1st before everything else the whole story would be better and they can be happy together, right?
aku: so lets not play korean drama ok.
die: ok

sbb masing2 duk jauh ckp lam fon je la kn

haa..camtu la stiap kali de mslh je, drama korea la jd penyelesaian die. watpe nk berdrama n amek kire sume bnde2 kecik yang leh jahanamkn 1 hubungan yang indah kn...hahaha main point is happy tu lg best dr sedeh patah ati kecewa merana bagai la kn. So tuk dptkn happy tu aku x kesah utk x amek kesah benda2 kecik yang penting happy and this is reality no cite2 korea k..


Sunday, April 18, 2010


Even before writing i could picture myself walking along Jln Bkt Bintang. It was a nice walk untill a total strangers come and said "abg,mau massage ka?" No they are not from Kedah, they are chinese who work at the so-called reflexology center. Normally i would just ignore them because most of the place have chinese from china working for them and they all STINK at massaging i dont know what the hell they were thinking working at a place like dat..people are suppose to feel pleasure when paying good money not to be beat up half dead!!ok i'm being too harsh but it's still hurt so much and i even considered of punching them in the face. Do u see how serious is this?? So word of advice here,N.E.V.E.R ever go to such places.
if could just punch them in the face!!

but...there are places u can still go, look for a place with no chinese masseur. As i know there's only 1 place there because i just been there recently and the whole entry is about my recent visit to the reflexology center.The day begin with a nice morning, the weather is fair, birds flying slowly towards blue sky, everyone was happy...well ok i lied..the weather is f*cking HOT, the birds like "cip3" all morning and how was i suppose to know what people's's freaky isnt it?(haha) ok back to the story,i was walking under the sun at 2pm and wondering if walking at "padang masyar" would be even worse rite? ok2..i lied again,that thought just came to me..(haha) i went to LTAT to settle something there and they have this sick-old-nogood old man working as a counter clerk..he was so slow, i even saw his hand was shaking when handing over some paper to me. is it that heavy?what is that a dumbell in paper shape?my point is he really is old. he should be working on his coffin rite now because he can "go" any minutes with that condition...haha sorry old man,u mess with my form, what option do i have?i have to let it out somehow. After that i went for a meal. It was nothing much because i'm on diet remember? just a carbonara spageti and after that some weird "nasi" from Nando's. yeah i know, what can i do?i mean how can i let my empty stomach down?anyway i continue my diet after i was full..(haha) Considering how early it was that time i decide to go for a massage. Since i was at pavillion so it was not far. As usual there were many offer from all the chinese, i refuse them brutally by ignoring them. They must have been suffers from my ignorance. err do they?well at least that's how i feel when someone ignored me. it was brutal of them. Then i heard a tender whispering voice, it was so inviting. "nak massage bangggg...." an indonesian girl call out for me.
"mau massage abannnnggg"

I then agreed to follow her upstairs, the price is rm 60 for whole body massage per hour. After "kaw-tim" with the tokey i got discount rm10, which i used later on to buy Subway Meltz, even on diet i have to get some dinner rite? ok as i was enjoying my massage, the soft hand really did a magic on my body, it was soft but at the same time very hard. it was some kind of feeling that is too good to be told u just have to experience it yourself. like i said it was the whole body massage, after finished with my leg and back she told me turn around. Slowly she began to massage my stomach. it feels kind of weird. then suddenly out of nowhere the atmosphere become so tense when she used her beautiful little mouth to say such word "abang...sudah berapa bulan ini?" i was like WHAT???
"nyah,ko agak bape bulan mak ngandung?"

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Believing In Yourself

this is a good one, people might not notice that if they really think that they can do it, they might actually succeed in whatever they may do. it's been years then since i told myself that i'm really fat eventhough at particular time my weight is just 60++...and the result is tadaaaa..getting bigger day by day...never once in my-fat-years-life i didnt feel regret after eating so much...

cant you see how fat i am?

the tempataion was huge, when u see a pile of food in front of ur eyes, it was like "it's ok fatboy u can eat these, just take a little of everything dont go all out ok",then slowly my hand would reach for the food aiming for most delicious dish among the huge pile of food, 1st chicken, mutton, beef,..the first chew it was like "waa this is delicious" and hands keep feeding this small mouth without stopping. at last the small bite becomes a super-huge-massive eating festival. My tummy would be shaking happily. it was so happy that it doesnt realize that it was getting bigger and even Mr shirt and Mr Pants could no longer hide the fact that Mr tummy have gone from normal 6 pack-abs to some kind of...i dunno some kind of disgusting extra FAT that could be seen even a mile away..i mean what the hell was that? is it even real?how can fat be seen that far?because its was so HUGE!!! Err by the way it wasnt me that i was talking about i just insult all the fat boy out there. STOP EATING!

mr shirt and mr pants cant hold it any longer. they just left him sexy by himself..

back to the story! non of the above have anything to do with my motive today. i just keep mumbling thinking nothing else but my empty stomach. i'm on diet right now. ok2 focus!!My real story would take place few days before. i told a fren of mine, we are not really fren actually she's a co-worker..focus!!!ok then i said to her that i want to lose weight and trying very hard by workout and taking supplimentary drink to help detox my tummy. then she laugh at me. "if u want to be skinny so much why dont u diet?" of course she said this in malay, i help u guys to translate it in english to make it easy to understand. yeah u can thanks me later on...oOh by the way i said to her,"are u crazy or what?if mans goes on diet we would die immediately" and as the matter of fact i do believe in my words and untill now i couldnt resist my self from eating, i keep thinking that i would die if i let myself be hungy..damn!

see what happen when a man goes on diet?he's a dead man!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

percaya diri sendiri

Dalam entry nh aku selitkan sikit unsur2 la tajuk pun percaya diri sendiri kn...tapi sape yang kaki menipu tu aku sarankn jgn la pcayekn diri korg sgt..mne tau duk tipu2 slalu tersasul gi tipu diri sndri lak...aku tatau la bdosa ke x kn tipu diri yg pastinya tipu tu dosa..

Thursday, April 15, 2010

nape aku keje

kisah die start lpas aku dibebaskan dari "penjara"...err walopon kne kick aku x ngaku gak nk gak ckp aku quit atas kerelaan la kalo bgtau kne kick kang nmpak cm bongok sgt lak aku nh...haha. Lepas aku berhenti secara SUKARELA tu,trus aku balik umah melepak kat kampung, kire mlekat kt umah dkt 2 bulan gak la...

ini ialah "penjara" cantik x?haha

Pastu mak aku da mule bising dah,mne x nye kejap2 sedara sedari sepupu sepapat sume dtg nmpak aku tgh bertenggek manja dpn tb smbil minum milo o'...stiap kali dtg je."eh lamanya cuti?x naek kapai ka?laa ada lagi budak nh?" haishhh..lepak umah sendiri pun salah bkn aku suh dorg bancuh milo tuk aku pon...mak aku pun x abis2 duk tanya ble nk msk "penjara" blk...aku pun bawak la diri,beg,buku ASB ngan sijil sume kuar dari umah datang KL...

aku minum milo kotak je xyah bancuh pun

Walopon duit aku ade berguni2 lagikn kne la cr kje gak..takkan nk goyang perut je duk KL nh kn..pegi la aku interview sana sini..kje kerani la..admin la..sume nk best2 je,gji atas seribu kje ofis hour je...last2 dpt jd waiter je kt coffee haus angin btol la...aishh..aku igt kje snang, ye la waiter je pn kn,amek order anta order mkn free..last2 amek ko kje mcm nk tghari mlm sume bantai buffet,bape juta tah pinggan aku angkt sehari...lam duk kje waiter tu pun aku duk cr kje lg..pastu dpt la kje kt CC skang nh..msk kje je goyang perut..hahaha

msk kje goyang perut!!haha

mula mencapap

geli la pulak tiba2 nk men tulis2 blog nh..
mule nk start tulis da blur..
anyway juz doing it for fun plus i have lots of spare time at work...haha
so for those who knows me and read this blog buat diam sudeh...